"Arrivederci Saigon", a film documentary directed by Wilma Labate which will be presented to the press & industry on September 4th 2018 at the 75th Venice Film Festival, in the Official Selection in the new non-competitive Sconfini section, is the incredible story of “Le Stars”, the young Italian band that from the Tuscan province is sent unexpectedly to Vietnam, to perform in the American military bases.
Un film di Wilma Labate
con Viviana Tacchella, Rossella Canaccini, Daniela Santerini e Franca Deni, nel ruolo di se stesse, ovvero LE STARS
in collaborazione con Rai Cinema, Istituto Luce Cinecittà, AAMOD, Rai Com
Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Venezia 2018 - Sconfini