Terms and conditions of use

  1. Regole Generali e definizioni

By using the services connected to the website www.solariafilm.it (hereinafter referred to as “the services” or “the service”), the reader is bound to comply with the conditions and terms of use set out below. These conditions apply to Solaria film s.r.l., owner of the www.solariafilm.it web space and manager of the site’s contents and related services.

Solaria film srl reserves the right to modify, add or delete parts of these conditions, bringing them to the attention of those concerned by publishing the changes on the site. Each visitor is obliged to check these conditions to ascertain any changes made since the last consultation of the site. In any event, use of the site and its services implies acceptance of the changes made in the meantime.

If the changes are not accepted, the visitor may not continue browsing the site, it being understood that continued use of the services implies acceptance of the new conditions.

Solaria Film srl reserves the right to modify, suspend, interrupt even partially the services, including the accessibility to the database or contents. Solaria Film srl may also introduce access or service limitations, in whole or in part, without prior notice and without assuming responsibility for such service limitation.

For the sake of clarity of interpretation, the meanings of the main definitions used in this document are set out below:

Solaria Film owns the domain www.solariafilm.it;

Site means www.solariafilm.it, which includes all the services and content offered by the owner.

The reader is the visitor to the site and the user of the services provided by the site.

The following services are available within the site:





uploading multimedia content

(individually the ‘service’)

Content/contents are, by way of example, the texts, audio, video and audio-visual material, graphic elaborations, photographs or any other type of material of original creation or reproduced, present on the site.

  1. Content and services on www.solariafilm.it and use by readers

The contents and services of the www.solariafilm.it website are intended for personal and non-professional use. All the materials published on the site (including, by way of example, news articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio and/or video recordings, hereinafter also referred to as the “contents”) are protected by copyright laws and are the property of the publisher or whoever legitimately holds the relevant rights. The reader is obliged to comply with any additional indications that may be present on the site in relation to the intellectual property of the content accessed through the site’s services.

The services of the site and its contents are protected by copyright law in force in Italy and by international copyright law. The reader is not authorised to modify, publish, transmit, share, assign for use in any way, reproduce (beyond the limits specified below), reprocess, distribute, execute, give access to or commercially exploit in any way the contents or services (including software) of this site, even partially.

The reader, for personal use only, is authorised to download or copy the contents and any other downloadable material available through the services of the site provided that he or she faithfully reproduces all copyright and other indications given on the site. The reproduction and collection of any content for reasons other than personal use is expressly prohibited without prior express authorisation in writing from the publisher or copyright holder as indicated on the site.

Content from press agencies or other sites is published by the publisher, who assumes no responsibility for incompleteness, inaccuracies, errors, omissions with respect to the integrity of the information and shall not be liable for any consequential damages.

The rss service, consisting of information content that can be downloaded onto the computer by means of ‘aggregator programmes’, is made accessible for personal use only and any use for commercial purposes is excluded. Any other use, including but not limited to the insertion of advertising messages, the linking of products or extended posting for advertising purposes is prohibited in any form whatsoever. The reader may not in any way modify or distribute the rss service, and links from www.solariafilm.it to third parties. The rss service, and its contents, are protected by Italian copyright law and the relevant international regulations. The publisher holds all exploitation rights to the trademarks used in connection with these services.

The publisher reserves the right to discontinue the rss service at any time and to terminate the reader’s use of the downloaded material in any form, without limitation and without notice. The publisher assumes no liability in connection with the rss service and content and their use with respect to damage or limitation of use of internet sites, computers that have used these services and content.

  1. Material and content submitted by readers

You may not send, distribute or in any way publish in the spaces enabled for this purpose any content that is defamatory, libellous, obscene, pornographic, abusive or in any way illegal. For example, you may not use the site and its services for the purposes of fraud or phishing (used to obtain your account information and password).

Readers may not publish confidential or personally identifiable information about the reader, including but not limited to credit card numbers, social security numbers, and driver’s licence numbers. Readers may not publish information such as passwords, usernames, phone numbers, and email addresses of other readers, unless they are publicly accessible on the web.

Readers undertake not to behave violently or verbally assault other readers, refrain from using slanderous terms, and not to intentionally interrupt discussions with repetitive or meaningless messages or actions aimed at selling products or services.

The reader agrees not to use any terms that are violent or that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, and others. The use of violent language will be grounds for immediate suspension and definite expulsion from all or part of the services of www.solariafilm.it.

Il lettore si impegna ad accettare le discussioni ma a evitare i litigi. In una comunità libera e aperta alle discussioni e alle opinioni di tutti è naturale che ci possano essere persone in disaccordo tra loro. solariafilm.it incoraggia le discussioni animate e accoglie con piacere i dibattiti accesi negli spazi preordinati a tale scopo. Ogni attacco individuale sarà interpretato come violazione diretta di queste norme e giustificherà la immediata eliminazione delle relative espressioni, ad opera dei moderatori designati dall’Editore.

The reader undertakes :

  • not to send comments exceeding 1500 characters;
  • to use, when replying to a comment, only the ‘Reply to comment’ function and to avoid replying by copying other people’s comments and pasting them into your own space;
  • to refraining from using foreign languages and dialects.
  • Comments may only be used for non-commercial purposes. Without the express permission of the publisher, each reader must refrain from disseminating or distributing by any means messages containing commercial content of any kind.
  • Readers are individually responsible for the content of their comments. The editor, the site manager, while not being able to ensure timely control over each of the messages received and are therefore not responsible for their content, in any case reserve the right to delete, move, edit messages that, in their discretion, appear abusive, defamatory, obscene or damaging to copyright and trademarks and in any case unacceptable to the editorial line of the site.
  • The reader acknowledges and accepts that any material submitted for the purpose of participating in the site’s services (by way of example, to send comments, express opinions, participate in polls and initiatives, send images or video and audio files) may be modified, removed, published, transmitted, and executed by the site’s publisher, operator, and publisher. The reader therefore renounces all material and moral rights that he or she may claim as author with respect to the modifications made to such material, even if the modifications are not liked or accepted by the author himself or herself. The reader grants the publisher an unlimited right of non-exclusive use, without restriction of geographical areas. The publisher may therefore, directly or through third parties it trusts, use, copy, transmit, extract, publish, distribute, publicly perform, disseminate, create derivative works from, host, index, store, annotate, encode, modify and adapt (including without limitation the right to adapt for transmission by any means of communication) in any form or by any means now known or hereafter invented, any image and any message, including audio and video, that may be sent by the reader, including through third parties.

By submitting any material, the reader consents to its publication on the site.

Submitted material will not be returned and will remain the property of Solaria film S.r.l., which is therefore exempt from any liability towards participants for the loss or destruction of submitted material.

The rules set out in this article apply to any type of content generated by the reader using the services made available by the site.

  1. Access and availability of the service. Using links

The www.solariafilm.it website contains links to other resources on the Internet. The publisher is not responsible for the actual accessibility and availability of these external resources or their content. Readers are therefore invited to contact the administrator or webmaster of such external sites if they encounter problems with their content.

  1. Declarations of Liability and Guarantees by the Reader

By accessing the site and its services, the reader undertakes to:

not to use the site or the material included therein for illegal purposes or as a means of disseminating or disseminating in any way material or content preordained to the commission of illegal activities.

not use the site in such a way as to interrupt, damage or render less efficient any or all of it or in such a way as to damage in any way the effectiveness or functionality of the site;

not to use the site for the transmission or placement of viruses or any other defamatory, offensive, obscene or threatening material, or material that in any way may cause annoyance, disturbance or any other harm;

not use the site in a way that would constitute an infringement of any person or company (including, but not limited to, copyright or privacy rights).

not use the site to transmit material for advertising and/or promotional purposes without the written permission of the publisher.

The reader also warrants that content is submitted to the site via his/her account by persons of age. For minors, materials must be screened and authorised by those exercising parental authority.

Solaria Film srl is not responsible for the material used and/or the conduct of readers while browsing the site. Solaria Film srl is also not responsible for the transmission on the reader’s computer of any viruses or other harmful content originating from third parties.

Accordingly, the reader shall indemnify the publisher and site operator, and all parties related thereto, from and against any and all liability and detrimental consequences, including, without exception, legal fees set at the professional rate incurred by the publisher or site operator as a result of legal action arising from the reader’s breach of these obligations in connection with the reader’s own or a third party’s misuse of his or her account in violation of the warranties set forth in this article.

The reader is in any case obliged to provide all cooperation to the publisher and site operator in order to properly protect his or her rights in relation to such legal actions. The publisher and site operator reserve the right to protect themselves by defending themselves in court, at their own expense, without prejudice to the right of the reader to compensation.

The publisher and operator of the site do not guarantee in any way the accuracy or reliability of the opinions, statements, indications or other information published, uploaded or distributed through the services of the site by any reader, information provider or any other natural or legal person. The reader acknowledges that any reliance he or she places on the truthfulness and reliability of any opinion, statement, claim or information published on the site is done at his or her own discretion and he or she assumes the consequences thereof. The service and all downloadable materials are provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation warranties of title, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The reader therefore acknowledges that use of such materials is at the reader’s sole and exclusive responsibility.

The publisher shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from a user’s failure to comply with these terms and conditions, except where the same is due to negligence or fault on the part of the publisher. Except in cases of personal injury caused by negligence, gross negligence or wilful misconduct, the publisher shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or in any way connected with the use and operation of the site, including without limitation, damages for loss of business, loss of profits, business interruption, loss of business information, any other pecuniary loss.

The reader expressly acknowledges and accepts that

a. the site and any ancillary services are provided “as is” and “as available”. Any warranty on the part of the site owner is expressly excluded. b. The site owner does not warrant (i) that the site and any ancillary services will meet the needs of the reader, (ii) that the site and any ancillary services will be provided without interruption, timely, secure or error-free, (iii) the reader’s expectation that the results obtained from the use of the site and any ancillary services will be true and reliable, (iv) that the quality of any products, services, information or other materials acquired or obtained through the site and/or software will meet the needs of the reader, or (v) that any errors in the published material will be corrected. c. Any content downloaded or otherwise obtained from or through the site obtained at the sole and exclusive discretion and risk of the readers, who are solely and exclusively responsible for any damage to their computer equipment or loss of data that results from downloading such content or using the site, and services.

  1. Registration and Security

As part of the registration process, the reader is required to choose his/her own user ID and password. In addition, the reader is required to provide specific information.

The reader may not choose another person’s user ID with the intention of using their identity. In addition, he may not use another person’s user ID without their express permission. It is also forbidden to use user IDs that the publisher, at its discretion, deems to be harmful to the rights of third parties, or otherwise offensive or scurrilous.

The password chosen by readers when registering for the services and entered in the relevant registration form or form is personal and cannot be transferred. Readers are required to guard their passwords with the utmost diligence and keep them confidential in order to prevent use of the service by unauthorised third parties. They will therefore be liable for any use, by authorised or unauthorised third parties, of the aforementioned identifiers, as well as for any damage caused to the blog owner, the publisher and/or third parties as a result of failure to comply with the above.

Readers are aware that they must be at least 18 years of age to register for the service, although persons of any age may access it. Minors under the age of 18 must be assisted and authorised by those exercising parental authority.

Readers are fully responsible for any action taken through their account, either directly or through third parties authorised by them. Any abusive, fraudulent or in any case illegal use shall result in the immediate cancellation of the account, at the sole discretion of the publisher or site manager, without prejudice to the exercise of any legal action by the rightful claimants.

  1. Service costs and payments

The services of the site are free of charge unless otherwise stated in detail. The publisher and site operator reserve the right to charge a fee for access to portions of the site or specific services or the entire site. In any case, the publisher will not demand payment of any fee unless it has first obtained an express acceptance of this offer. Therefore, if the publisher or site operator should in the future ask for a fee for access to portions of the site or services that are currently free of charge, the reader will be notified in advance with a detailed indication of these costs, giving the reader the opportunity to choose whether to accept the service. In the event of acceptance, the reader will pay this fee in the form he or she chooses at the cost that will be defined at the time of acceptance of the service.

  1. Communications between the publisher and the reader

Should the reader indicate in the online registration form that he or she wishes to receive information from the publisher, the operator of the site and related entities, with the reader’s consent, in accordance with current legislation, the reader’s contact details may be used to send promotional material referring to these entities.

The publisher and operator of the site reserve the right in all cases to send the reader communications by e-mail to inform him of changes or additions to the site and its services.

Statistical data and data on the use of the site, after being anonymised, may be used by the publisher and operator of the site for research and analysis. For further details, the reader may refer to the data protection statement.

The publisher and operator of the site may contact readers by e-mail for participation in surveys, requests for feedback on the website and on existing or upcoming products and services. This information will not be shared with third parties, except in aggregate form, and will be used only for the improvement of the site and services.

  1. Software user licences

The reader does not acquire any rights in relation to the use of the software on the site other than the use necessary to enjoy the services themselves. The reader therefore may not grant rights of use, assign or transfer licences in relation to such software. The reader is only authorised to make copies of the software for his or her own personal use, without prejudice to the prohibition to distribute, modify, rework or make derivative works from such software.

  1. Various

These conditions of access have been formulated in light of the laws in force in the territory of the Italian Republic. The competent court for the application of these rules is the Court of Rome.

These access conditions are to be applied and interpreted in accordance with the general rules set out on www.solariafilm.it.

Readers, for any communication concerning these terms and conditions of access, may contact Solaria Film srl, with registered office in Prato, via Cantagallo, n. 23- 59100, by sending an e-mail to info@solariafilm.it

The reader declares that he/she undertakes to notify the publisher of any breach of these terms of access as soon as he/she becomes aware of it.

  1. Personal Data Protection

Personal data provided by readers are protected in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/2003 “Personal Data Protection Code” and its subsequent amendments and additions. The publisher makes known the manner in which it protects the privacy of readers consulting the site in the Privacy Policy (indicated below).

Any personal information sent to the site will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Any non-personal information communicated to the publisher, the site manager and the blog owner (including suggestions, ideas, drawings, projects, etc.) will give the latter the right to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, put up and distribute said non-personal information. The communication of such information will automatically entail the transfer of the same, free of charge and with every right and faculty, to Editoriale Il Fatto SpA.

The site offers content of an informative and interactive nature. While browsing the site, one can therefore acquire information on the customer, or more generally on the visitor, in the following ways:

A) Navigation data

The website collects technical information relating to the hardware and software used by visitors, independently by means of tools for analysing connection files. This information concerns:

IP address,

type of browser,

Internet service provider,

operating system,

domain name and addresses of websites from which it has accessed or exited (referring/exit pages),

information on pages visited by readers within the site,

access hours,

stay on the individual page,

internal path analysis (clickstream)

video resolution

tipo di connessione

country from which the user connects

presence of installed java plugins

This information does not provide any personal data of the reader, but only technical/computer data that is collected and used in an aggregate and anonymous manner for the sole purpose of improving the quality of the service and providing statistics regarding the use of the site. This data is deleted immediately after processing.

B) Data provided by the user

These are cases in which it is the reader himself who, after reading detailed information, releases his personal data on the site in order to access certain services or to forward requests by e-mail. This entails the acquisition by the owner of the site of the sender’s address and/or any other personal data that will be processed exclusively to respond to the requests made or to provide the service requested. In all cases, before proceeding to the activation of a given service, appropriate information will be provided and, where necessary, the relevant consent to the processing of personal data will be acquired. This consent may subsequently be revoked at any time, which will result in the possibility of using the service in question being forfeited. The data collected will be stored for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purpose for which the processing is carried out, i.e. the activation/management of the requested service.

C) Cookies

Cookies are portions of information that can be stored on the computer while browsing a website, in order to process and identify usage data. The cookie file is usually very small in size and does not contribute to the saturation of physical hard disk space. The cookie is transferred to the reader’s disk for record-keeping purposes to ‘remember’ which areas of a website have been visited. This saves time, allowing the reader to reach the main parts of a site previously visited more quickly. There are different types of cookies:

– permanent, i.e. they remain on the hard disk, even after closing the browser; – temporary or session data, which are only stored for the duration of your browsing and are deleted from your computer when you close your browser; – third-party, generated by a website other than the one you are currently visiting.

The cookies used by the site owner are a combination of these three types: some only serve to open and maintain a session (temporary cookies). In this case, closing the session or the browser will make them unusable either by us or by third parties, although they physically remain on the computer being used (permanent cookies). Third party cookies are also issued for purely statistical purposes, for the measurement of aggregate information. In order to offer a site that responds to the reader’s expectations and interests, an analysis of the data collected on the cookies is constantly carried out; this data indicates solely and anonymously how the site is used, i.e. the areas and sections that have been deemed of greatest interest and usefulness to surfers. It is up to the user to set his or her browser to accept all cookies, only some, or to refuse them. Please note, however, that non-acceptance of cookies may make it impossible to provide the service when accessing certain areas of the site. Please also note that at the end of each browsing session the user may in any case delete both the browsing cache-memory and the cookies collected from his/her hard disk.

Processing is carried out using automated tools (e.g. using electronic procedures and media) and/or manually (e.g. on paper) for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, in compliance with the relevant legislation in force.