
White Flowers

Sound and mix

A man wakes up in a hotel room: he has a head wound and a gun, but remembers nothing of his identity or his past. He soon realises he is in danger, pursued by someone who wants to kill him. In the meantime Yuki, a young Japanese cartoonist looking for inspiration for a new manga, arrives in town. The young woman, in an apparently random way, makes the acquaintance of a boy, Damiel, who offers to help her with the conception of the story. The two thus set out to find the characters essential to the plot that she will have to draw from the reality that surrounds them. The young man therefore proposes to visit a solitary and mysterious man who seems to be hiding a secret: he is the man with no memory, who now works in a workshop as a framer. For her part, Yuki, during a visit to a cemetery, is struck by a woman with an equally solitary nature. The protagonists of the story seem to be found and the first drawings take shape. The framer turns into Marcello, a detective who falls in love with Eri, the wife of a Japanese boss. As we watch as the love affair drawn by Yuki unfolds live, the young woman again meets the framer who reveals to her that he no longer remembers anything of his past. Yuki then proposes to help him and the two set off together in search of a place portrayed in an old Polaroid, the only clue to her earlier years. Of Damiel, meanwhile, they seem to have lost track. Meanwhile, in the story drawn by Yuki, the two clandestine lovers, Eri and Marcello, are discovered and the woman murdered by the boss’s right-hand man. Marcello is also discovered and brought before the old Japanese man for a showdown. In the meantime, Yuki and the framer continue their journey in search of the mysterious place, but something seems to go wrong: past and present, conception and reality seem to intertwine, unbeknownst to Yuki herself, in a collusive game of double-dealing that will lead to the metaphysical final landing.

A film by

Marco De Angelis e Antonio Di Trapani


Corrado Serri (A.I.C.)

Sound and mix

Stefano Civitenga e Gianfranco Tortora


Junko Mori, Cristina Herup


Paolo Damiani


Ivan Franek, Yuki Iwasaki, Hayase Mami, Hal Yamanouchi, David Paryla, Pietro Faiella

Other actors

Mido, Gianluigi Fogacci, Enzo De Liguoro, Carmelo Giordano, Kanae Honjyou, Tommaso Benvenuti, Michela Camurati, Giulia Nora, Enrico Trapani, Hau Seves Kiangpo Andres, Biagio Andriulli

Product by

Emanuele Nespeca e Vito Zagarrio
Solaria Film, Centro Produzione Audiovisivi – Università Roma Tre