After a life in prison, a jailbird (65) can no longer find his way to freedom. He wanders lonely through the film, but wins the heart of a grumpy flower girl. Through a plot of unconnected stories, fate eventually takes a good turn for everyone, albeit in a bizarre way.
A film by
Felix tissi
Sandro Di Stefano (II), Hiltrud Hauschke, Uli Krohm, Vilmar Bieri, Hans Dihel, Julia Brendler, Marcus Schäfer, Jens Wachholz, Gottfried Breitfuss, Regula Steiner Tomic, Ingrid Resch, Eva-Maria Kurz, Elmar F. Kühling, Gabi Gasser, Stefanie Klemm
Peacock Film, Solaria Film, con il contributo del Ministero della Cultura
80 minutes