Dino Meneghin-Storia di una leggenda

3 November 2023 marks a historic moment for Italian basketball fans, with the long-awaited release on Rai 3 of the documentary ‘Dino Meneghin – Storia di una Leggenda’. Director Samuele Rossi guides us through the extraordinary life and career of Meneghin, considered the greatest Italian basketball player of all time.

The documentary offers an in-depth look at Meneghin’s career, from his humble beginnings to his conquest of the heights of international basketball. The documentary traverses the highlights of his career, including prestigious Olympic Games appearances, victories in European championships, and a long career in the Italian Serie A.

The choice of director Samuele Rossi for this project turned out to be a good one. Rossi, known for his sensitive and respectful approach to his subjects, offers an intimate look at Meneghin’s life. Through interviews, stock footage and moments of everyday life, the documentary captures the soul of a champion.